Thursday, April 16, 2020

50 Strategies for Becoming a Thought Leader in Your Field

The benefits of working to become a thought leader in your industry:

“An unexamined life is not worth living.” — Plato

“When you start to think more deeply about life and the world around you, it unlocks a layer of personal meaning and fulfillment. When you ask yourself, ‘What’s my personal take on this topic?’ and take the time to develop an original answer, you begin to find clarity around what you believe in. What you want to stand for. And perhaps, what your purpose is. We all want to be able to look back and say, ‘yes, that was a life well-lived.’ To get there takes some reflection, examination, and development of our personal belief systems.

From a business standpoint, thought leadership is a huge competitive differentiation. No one can replicate authenticity and it’s sure hard to steal someone’s mission!

As a mission-driven brand, thought leadership is a key part of building the business, staying connected with our key stakeholders and meeting new customers.

Great thought leadership also leads to engaged communities of people who relate to your belief system, and they become the best kinds of customers. By way of example, every Tuesday and Thursday we do Inaugurations on Instagram Live, where our team welcomes each new loved one to the Eterneva family and shares their incredible stories with our followers. We do this because we believe remarkable people shouldn’t be forgotten, yet interestingly this tradition has brought us many new customers, because they love that we do this, and want to see their loved one shared with the world too.

Thought leadership can also be the muse and catalyst for new innovation. When you’re organized by a core set of beliefs, you’re always thinking ‘What more could we do?'”

Five strategies to becoming a thought leader:

#1 Find your Fire

As I mentioned before, strong thought leadership is rooted in authenticity, so you need to figure out what lights a fire in your belly! What topics could you give an impassioned speech about? For me, it’s helpful to think about what injustices I want to fix in the world — that gets me fired up.

#2 Journal About It

Originality of thought is the other cornerstone to effective thought leadership, so it’s important to stop and reflect on what you really think about a given topic. To be an effective thought leader on end of life, I had to develop my own relationship with and beliefs around death, so I write!

#3 Talk to Your Customers

Some of the best wisdom comes from conversations with your customers and/or audience. By deeply understanding their context and their world and their context, it helps you see the bigger picture of how your product fits into it.

#4 Become an Observer

A lot of original thought leadership comes from observation — particularly of how things are changing. By paying attention to shifts in culture, societal roles, and values, you can start to make better predictions of what the future will look like. Pay closer attention to how the world is changing around you.

#5 Infuse Emotion

At the heart of great thought leadership is great emotional energy. You feel energized, inspired, a sense of wonder. If you can figure out how to emotionally move someone with your new ideas and beliefs, your thought leadership will be all the more effective.

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