Friday, April 10, 2020

SEL 20200410

Good morning, more reasons to get your Microsoft conversion tracking in order,

Microsoft Advertising introduced two new conversion goal options: Include in “Conversions” and view-through conversions. These offer more flexibility and will also make it easier for advertisers to match the conversion goals they’re prioritizing across Microsoft Advertising and Google Ads campaigns. The Include in “Conversions” option lets you choose which goals to include in your conversion metrics. For example, you may be tracking newsletter signups, but only want to prioritize and optimize your campaigns for whitepaper downloads and demo requests. 

If you’re running (or considering) ads on the Microsoft Audience Network, you’ll now see view-through conversion reporting in the UI for any UET-enabled conversion goals. This will give you more insights into how those campaign impressions may be assisting conversions. View-through conversions are counted when a user sees an ad, doesn’t click, but converts within the window you set. The conversion window default is set to one-day as it is in Google Display and Video campaigns. 

SEO Companys and developers sometimes (often?) have strained relationships. The tension usually stems from not having a shared vocabulary. Eric Wu, VP of product growth at Honey, the popular plugin PayPal paid $4 billion for this year, says SEO Companys need to be able to speak the language of their developers. Even learn to code yourself (this will sound familiar if you’ve been following our SEO Company for Developers series by Detlef Johnson). Eric spoke with Barry Schwartz about coding and taking your SEO Company beyond content and links —  watch their full chat here

Keep reading for a Pro Tip on the interdependency of PPC and SEO Company, YouTube’s latest on monetizing COVID-19 content and more.  

Ginny Marvin,

Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by

Delray Beach SEO


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