Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Ready for an Uplevel? Here Are 4 Steps You Should Take to Finish the Year Strong

Take it easy on yourself and hold your latest vision as a priority.

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July 28, 2020 5 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

It has not been an easy year, and yet the very best entrepreneurs continue to rise to the challenge in their businesses and personal lives. As important as New Years Resolutions are, setting new goals year-round is how the growth really happens. Now that the year is just over halfway through, it’s a reflection point; where did you want to end up this year? And all things considered (since we’ve all faced the most unseen of circumstances), how are you measuring up to that initial resolution?

For many of us, these resolutions may have entirely pivoted. Priorities have shifted. Businesses have gone under, and others have been created. No matter where you are right now, your desire for an uplevel this year doesn’t have to be tainted. There are still steps you can take to finish the first year of the new decade in a way you can be proud of.

Related: How to Level Up Your Business and Unlock Success

1. Shorten the time frame for reaching your goals

Change happens when we commit to one at a time. Completely transforming our lives sounds great in theory, but we have to take it slower than that. For example, deciding that you’ll never watch TV on a weekday again as a declarative statement is admirable, but this level of sudden restriction may hurt more than help.

Instead, Debra Ferrie suggests in an article on Social Moms that you shorten the time frame for reaching your goals. “Why not make a new WEEK’s resolution each Sunday night and commit to ‘stick with the program’ for that one week?” she poses. “Then the next week, you can reassess what worked and what didn’t and do it again.”

Committing to change on a week-by-week basis is how we build a strong foundation for a year or life of new, upleveled habits. Begin by reflecting on the resolutions that were set for the year, and decide to recommit — just for this week. It will give you the strength to commit once again next week.

2. Intentionally get uncomfortable

Little magic can happen in our comfort zones. To make sure you’re truly upleveling, ask yourself: How can I get uncomfortable? Investor, entrepreneur and public speaker Julian Kuschner shares that he forced himself to get uncomfortable in the pursuit of his business dreams by moving from to and committing himself 100 percent to his business outside his job.

“I knew that in order to see a change in life, I had to make massive changes to myself,” he says. “So I did. I stopped spending time with people who didn’t add to my life and went all-in on my dreams, 24/7.”

You don’t have to move cross-country or totally change your lifestyle to get here, but consider something you can do that’s a major change from your usual habits. The is to get uncomfortable, but you can also take it week by week. Do something you’ve never done this week that will get you somewhere you’ve never been. As long as you’re outside your comfort zone, you’re doing it right. 

3. Lean on a community

There’s great power in the community to inspire and uplift one another. Consider joining a space or a mastermind group where you can be around like-minded people who are also committed to leveling. It can be hard to hold yourself accountable consistently, so having others you can lean on ensures that everyone holds everyone accountable. Furthermore, there are opportunities here for mindshare and collaborations, which can accelerate your journey toward your goals. 

Many of these communities are communicating virtually and will do so for a while. Take advantage of the broad range of perspectives and backgrounds you can lean on from these increasingly global communities. Groups and online coaching programs are a great place to start.

4. Start dreaming big for 2021 resolutions

While the real change happens in the micro-steps by committing to your resolutions week to week, it’s also a good idea to look ahead at the big dreams on the . We’re getting closer to 2021 by the day. What are your big dreams for the year that’s to come? Having an advanced perspective on your resolutions for the and making those resolutions bigger than ever can help you change how you show up right now. This is where your goals for this year and next year converge. Spend some time reflecting on the changes you need to make to shift onto the right track for the upleveling that’s to come.

Related: Level Up Your Salary With These 5 Simple Tips

Of course, that upleveling is going to look different for everyone, depending on the impacts from this year. Take it easy on yourself and hold your latest vision as a priority. Be open to what can change while still staying committed to what commands your uplevel right now. Perseverance is the most common trait amongst the best entrepreneurs, and your steadfast commitment to 2020’s resolutions will reflect that.

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source http://www.scpie.org/ready-for-an-uplevel-here-are-4-steps-you-should-take-to-finish-the-year-strong/

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