Thursday, August 13, 2020

5 Types of Content You Should Create to Grow a High-End Coaching Business

August 12, 2020 5 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Whether you just started your coaching business or have been running one for years, your business has two goals: revenue and impact. Building a successful coaching business requires that you have great client acquisition skills, and one way to make this happen is through content marketing agency.

Strategic content can build your brand reputation, create a community around your values and promote your services. But one thing most online entrepreneurs forget is that content is a conversion tool, not just a series of knowledge-based paragraphs. Content marketing agency, when done exceptionally well, can convert cold prospects who are actively looking for solutions to problems they’re experiencing, into premium clients.

With that said, here are the five types of content to create to grow a high-end coaching business.

1. Create content that shifts your audience’s beliefs.

The number one mistake I see coaches make is starting their conversion process with features and benefits of their services. While this is great, your sales argument is likely to fall on deaf ears, because you haven’t shown your potential clients why staying in their current situation is detrimental to their goals. 

Every content created to win clients must start from addressing your prospects’ beliefs about themselves and their ability to transform their lives. Before any investment can be made, prospects need to understand why a shift in their thinking is needed. Modeling the desired outcome for your clients is only possible if you stock of your audience’s current beliefs and how these beliefs are stalling their growth.

Basically, you cannot convert prospects into clients without addressing their current belief system, challenging them to leave old systems, and inspiring them to adopt a new way of thinking and behaving.

2. Create content that tells a story.

You need more than hard facts or data to move prospects from curiosity to the payment page. You need relevant stories that show that you understand their passion, goals, challenges, and frustration. Your brand needs to engage potential clients in a way that humanzies you and influences loyalty.

It isn’t enough to tell stories about how great your product is — you need stories that adapt to your audiences’ ever changing needs. Tell stories about how you’re evolving as a person and an entrepreneur, too. Not only do people get to see the face behind the brand, they feel a sense of camaraderie because you show that you understand their current reality. 

Social media can help you build this “know, like and trust” factor for your brand. You don’t need to forgo all privacy. You just need to be transparent about your beliefs and values and give your audience a sneak peek into your life.

3. Create content that celebrates your clients’ success.

Have you successfully helped clients get results using your process and methodology? Proudly share this fact. This is not bragging. Rather, it is acknowledging the fact that potential clients have unspoken questions about you and your high-end offers.

Research has shown that online reviews influence purchase decisions, especially when the item to be purchased is more expensive and risky in nature. To address these hesitation about investing, you need amazing case studies of people who have experienced the same “before” states your potential clients are currently experiencing.

You can’t depend on how awesome you are or how unique your service is. Your potential clients are weighing several options in their minds, debating who to work with to get phenomenal results. Displaying your clients’ successes convinces them that not only do you have a well-documented process to solve problems; your clients have also enjoyed great success from working with you.

4. Create content that documents your process.

It is not enough to display your accolades and proof of success on your website and social media platforms. Your clients’ successes alone will not make them shift into believers. What you need to do is show that you actually know what you are talking about.

Create content that walks prospects through your methodology or transformation process. Don’t hold anything back, and teach like you’ve been paid to deliver a once-in-a-lifetime seminar. The idea here is to plant the seeds that you have the keys to helping your prospects get to a desired solution faster than anyone else.

Yes, you may be hesitant about teaching your process, thinking that if you teach everything, you won’t have paying customers. But this is false. Not only do clients want proof of your expertise, they don’t want to spend their entire lives figuring it for themselves when they have someone who can collapse their learning time.

5. Create content that directly asks for the sale. 

This is where all your work leads: asking your prospective client to invest in your services. While you may have worked extremely hard to position yourself as the expert, converting prospects into paying customers will falter if you fail to make the ask.

Selling should be natural, not seen as a way to trick prospects into making a decision to make unwanted purchases.

You have already provided value by creating content that displays your humanity and expertise. You have bridged the gap between being a stranger and a trusted ally. Stories of your clients’ success have increased their desire to experience the same transformation. Therefore, go ahead and for the sale.

Your content can do most of the selling for you, and if you have the right combination of messages, you can create a pipeline of prospects who are willing and able to invest in your high-end coaching services.


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