Monday, August 17, 2020

Implementing This One Simple Strategy Every Day Can Help you Overcome the Unsettling Emotions

How to pay attention to outside influences and monitor your body’s internal reactions.

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3 min read

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Time and time again, we’ve heard reference to the importance of caring for ourselves before we’re able to care for others. There has never been a more crucial time than now to take that message to heart.

The stress of uncertainty wreaks havoc with our ability to stay calm and grounded, thus impacting our productivity in everything from completing everyday tasks and caring for ourselves and family to managing work projects remotely.

When events in the world around us are unpredictable and begin hitting closer to home, it’s typical for the associated stress to impact our and wellbeing, and today it can cause more damage than ever before.

Related: 5 Science-Backed Ways to Strengthen Your Brain

The one we can all implement that has the power to change our wellbeing prognosis is to pay .

We don’t need to sacrifice our wellbeing just because things around us are uncertain. Paying attention to outside influences and our body’s internal reactions can allow us to balance our unsettling emotions.

1. Include mindfulness meditation

Integrating mindfulness meditation into our daily lives allows us to lessen the physical impact of stress and maintain a sense of calm when chaos explodes around us.

In addition to feeling calmer, research shows that implementing mindfulness meditation training can improve our ability to pay attention. This benefit is not only immediate but also lasts on a long-term basis. Getting started is as simple as downloading a free app to your phone and trying out a few different mediations until you find some that feel suitable. 

2. Control what you can

When the world around us is unpredictable and different than we are accustomed to, maintaining routine where we’re able allows us to move through our days with a sense of security bred of familiarity.

Pay attention to where and how you are spending your time and start establishing daily routines and consistent habits. Whether it’s getting up or going to bed at the same time each day or scheduling specific tasks on the same day each week, a routine provides us with a sense of comfort.

Related: Working Hard and Being Stressed Out Isn’t a Sustainable Model for Success

3. Limit media consumption

Between and the media, it doesn’t take long to get overwhelmed by emotional and provocative content. Pay attention to how you feel when watching or reading the news and scrolling through social media. Reduce your consumption of media that causes you distress.

Focus instead, on media where you’re encouraged, educated, and entertained. From podcasts to books to articles right here on, there are numerous options available.

We cannot afford to be complacent. Our physical and emotional health depends on our ability to stay present and aware of what we’re putting into our bodies and minds.

When we pay attention to our consumption habits and adjust them by making our wellbeing a priority, we can calm the unsettling emotions causing us to feel out of sorts.

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